This is an Agreement between the HOA, Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and Seminole County. The Agreement permits the Sheriff’s Office to enter into a private and/or gated community to enforce regulatory signage.
Requirements and Procedures
Upon request to enter into a Traffic Enforcement Agreement, Traffic Engineering will evaluate the subdivision to determine if an Enforcement Agreement is deemed necessary. If so, the following requirements will apply. If not Traffic Engineering will make recommendations to the Homeowners Association and/or Management Company for consideration.
The minimum required posted speed limit of 25 mph. This Agreement DOES NOT INCLUDE GATED TOWNHOMES, APARTMENTS or CONDOS – and does not include vehicle parking review or enforcement as private communities can address as deemed appropriate per approved Bylaws’. Candidate Communities must be within unincorporated Seminole County – if area within City Limits please contact local City Police Department for information on Agreement procedures.
Please return the following requirements to:
Traffic Engineering
140 Bush Loop
Sanford, FL 32773
Documents required:
- Traffic Enforcement Agreement processing fee is $40.00, make check payable to Seminole County Board of County Commissioners
- Letter from Homeowners Association representative requesting a review of the subdivision for the purpose of entering into an Agreement.
- Current list of Association Officers and their phone numbers, including contact person throughout the execution of the Agreement. This may be property management association representative.
- The HOA Board of Directors by majority vote, elect to have state traffic laws enforced by local law enforcement agencies on private roads that are controlled by the association. Homeowners Association Board must provide evidence of such majority vote. Please provide minutes or resolution indicating an affirmative vote by the HOA Board as required by Section 316.006 of the Florida Statutes. Or, in the alternative a letter showing unanimous consent by the HOA Directors may be provided.
- Map of the community. Indicate on the map all existing signage. Insure that all existing signage conforms to the requirements below prior to submitting for review.
- Current Certificate of Article of Incorporation. Do not include entire article. Only the current certificate with the state seal is needed. If a current certificate is not available, contact the State Office of Incorporation at (904) 433-9000.
- Certificate of Insurance: General Liability Section: requires $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 aggregate coverage. Description Section of Certificate to read: Seminole County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida and Seminole County Sheriff’s Office, a constitutional office of the State of Florida as additional insured. Certificate Holder: Seminole County 1101 E. 1st Street, Sanford, FL 32771 but please send to Traffic Engineering 140 Bush Loop, Sanford, FL 32773.
Signage requirements for subdivision:
- ALL traffic control signs must be of reflective material, FHWA and FDOT layout and specifications, mounted 7’ high measured from bottom of sign face, and unobstructed by landscaping.
- In absence of raised curb, signs should be mounted on breakaway posts. Warning signs, if necessary, should be black legend on yellow background.
- Stop signs and yield signs must be red/white High Intensity Prismatic sheeting and a minimum 30”.
- Speed limit signs must be black/white High Intensity Prismatic sheeting and a minimum 24”x30”.
- Sign details are available upon request.
If you have any questions, please contact Traffic Engineering at 407-665-5678 or 407-665-5677.