This type of Agreement is between Seminole County and the Homeowners Association to allow the HOA to install decorative post for the signage within their subdivision.
- A written request from Homeowners Association to Traffic Engineering requesting a Decorative Sign Agreement with Seminole County to install decorative post.
- List of Homeowners Association Officers with title and phone number.
- Request a Certificate of Insurance from your agent with the certificate holder being: Seminole County, 1101 E. 1st Street, Sanford, FL 32771 but send to Traffic Engineering, 140 Bush Loop, Sanford, FL 32773.
- The design of stanchion (post) must meet AASHTO and MUTCD/FDOT Standard Design for breakaway. Must have certificate of such.
- $40.00 processing fee is required - check payable to Seminole County Board of County Commissioners.
- All traffic control signs must be reflective material, FHWA and MUTCD/FDOT layout and specifications, mounted 7' high measured from bottom of sign face and unobstructed landscape.
- Map of subdivision marking the location of where the decorative post will be installed.
**Note: Seminole County will only replace a sign post with a standard u-channel in emergencies. It shall be the Association's responsibility to ensure installation of a decorative post.
Please return the above requirements to:
Traffic Engineering
140 Bush Loop
Sanford, FL 32773
If you have any questions, please contact Traffic Engineering at 407-665-5678 or 407-665-5677.