The Black Hammock Floodplain Restoration Project is a collaborative project with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), St. Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD) and Seminole County to restore the canals constructed in the 1920's to their natural condition.
In the preliminary design phase, Salt Creek and Sweetwater Creek were looked at for potential restoration candidates. After a detailed evaluation, Salt Creek was the best project for the Phase 1 design and construction project. The creek will be rechanneled into its original serpentine creek bed at several locations.
Culvert replacements at several roadway crossings are also being evaluated. Work will be primarily performed in the areas owned by SJRWMD and Seminole County. Special attention has been given to not increasing water stages on private property within the project area.
Final Report
For further information regarding this project, please contact Kim Ornberg, P.E. at 407-665-2417.