There are three types of ROW Permits within Seminole County. Each permit is listed below along with a description and the requirements to make application.
A residential driveway permit is required for all driveways connecting to either a Seminole County owned roadway within Unincorporated Seminole County. Maximum driveway width is 18 feet with a 3 foot flare on each side. The apron shall be either concrete or brick pavers.
Culverts must be 18" minimum and be composed of either RCP of CMP unless approved otherwise.
The following items must be submitted for processing:
Permits are typically processed within 3 business days.
There are three ways to submit application, please note application will not be processed without payment:
Construction and maintenance of utility and other miscellaneous improvements within the County road right-of-way, land, easements and for County right-of-way within unincorporated areas must be authorized by a Seminole County ROW Utilization Construction Permit. This Construction Permit is for various types of public or private utilities or facilities, construction activity, maintenance of traffic (MOT), excavation, restoration, horizontal boring, landscaping and irrigation, etc.
The following items must be submitted for processing:
*A Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan may be required before final approval
Permits are typically processed within 5 business days.
For all non-residential work within Seminole County Right of Way in conjunction with a site permit from another jurisdiction. These permits require a concurrency review.
The following items must be submitted:
Click the link to download the Right of Way Plan Application
Permits are typically processed within 10 business days.
For more information contact Seminole County Development Services at 407-665-7371
Call Seminole County Planning and Development Business Office 407-665-7356 for all issues related to concurrency.
In order to assist utility providers in identifying the correct permitting agency within Seminole County, the Seminole County Public Works Department is providing a County Roads Maintenance Map. The information in this map is a draft and subject to change and therefore must always be confirmed with the proper permitting authority. Click the link below for user disclaimer prior to accessing the map.