Water Conservation

Seminole County Toilet Rebate Program

Seminole County offers a toilet replacement rebate program for current water utility customers. This conservation initiative assists residents in reducing water consumption in their homes. Customers may qualify for a rebate when they replace high-flow toilets in homes built prior to 1995 with newer, more efficient models.

Old toilets with high rates of gallons per flush (gpf) should be replaced with new 1.6 gpf (or lower), EPA-certified WaterSense-labeled toilets. Toilets comprise the largest category of indoor water use, ranging from more than one-third to almost one-half of total indoor water use. Replacing your toilet with a 1.6 gpf or lower high efficiency toilet can save more than 20,000 gallons of water a year. Learn more about EPA WaterSense toilets at https://lookforwatersense.epa.gov/products/.

watersense toilet rebate

Rebates are up to $100 each, with a maximum of $200 for replacing two toilets. Rebates are funded by grants from the St. Johns River Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis, until budgeted rebate funds are depleted or until March 30, 2025, whichever comes first.

Before filling out the application, please read the rebate eligibility and rebate submission requirements.

Rebate Eligibility

  • You MUST be a Seminole County Utilities customer. This means you pay your water bill to Seminole County and NOT to a city utility or private utility.
  • The program is only available for homes built prior to 1995. If your home was built after 1995, you already have a low flow toilet in your home, per current building code.
  • A maximum of two (2) toilets may be rebated per single-family dwelling, including single-family homes (owner occupied), resident-owned condos, and mobile homes.
  • Up to two (2) toilets purchased between June 1, 2024 and March 30, 2025 are eligible for a rebate. You must submit no later than March 30, 2025.
  • The rebate amount you are eligible for ($100 per toilet) will be applied to the water bill of the following month. You will not receive a check for this rebate amount; instead, the determined amount will be deducted from your water bill.
  • New toilet(s) must also be installed and documented with photos before submitting the application. No exceptions.
  • Toilet seats or installation are not eligible for rebate.
  • Seminole County does not guarantee toilet performance or workmanship.
  • Seminole County reserves the right to withhold a rebate for failure to comply with program requirements.

Rebate Submission Requirements

  • Completed application that is signed and dated, available at seminolecountyfl.gov/toilet-rebate.
  • A copy of the original sales receipt showing the cost of the new 1.6 gpf (or lower) EPA Certified WaterSense toilet(s).
  • EPA Certified WaterSense Logo (cut from the toilet box packaging).
  • Photo of old toilet(s) 3.5 gallons per flush, before you remove it.
  • Photo of new toilet(s) 1.6 gallons per flush, or less, after you install it.
  • Completed survey form after the installation and application form is signed and dated.
  • Submit by March 30, 2025.
    • Online using the form below
    • Print a Toilet Rebate Application Form and submit
      • Via email to amatre@seminolecountyfl.gov.
      • Via mail or hand delivery to the Public Works building, Toilet Rebate Program, 200 W. County Home Rd., Sanford, FL 32773; Please make a copy of your receipt; originals will not be returned.
  • Send only one application for each service address.
  • You may be contacted by the rebate program coordinator to schedule an on-site installation verification inspection.

Call 407-665-2121 for more information.

Applicable to tenants only
Item must be purchased between June 1, 2024 and Mar. 30, 2025

Terms and Agreement