Seminole Heart

Seminole HEART — Home-Based Emergency Assistance Response Team

"Meeting the unmet needs of individuals and their families during the time of declared disasters."

About Seminole HEART

During and immediately following disasters, it is critical that a collaborative effort be established between government and the private non-profit community. Volunteer organizations, interfaith groups, social service organizations, community action agencies and locally based state agencies all come together to define a complete assistance package for those impacted by the disaster.

The HEART in Seminole HEART stands for Home-Based Emergency Assistance Response Team. Seminole HEART helps survivors of declared disaster through case management, preparedness, and recovery assistance. 


Following the spring tornadoes and summer fires of 1998, Seminole County faith, non-profit, and government organization leaders came together to create the Long-Term Recovery Committee, Seminole HEART. The group’s mission was to serve the residents in the time of a federally declared natural or man-made disaster. Seminole HEART set out to aid people in need and provide relief for the “body, soul and person.”

alt textSeminole HEART aided in the COVID-19 response by providing food to those in isolation and hosting testing and vaccine sites. Currently, Seminole HEART is assisting in recovery efforts for Hurricanes Ian and Nicole to resolve unmet needs by tapping into local volunteer organziations, coordinating resources, and utilizing available disaster grant funding.

Seminole HEART responded effectively to the 2022 Hurricane season. In 2022, Seminole County was struck by Hurricanes Ian & Nicole, inflicting damage on our community. Seminole HEART stepped up before the storms impacted the county, and continue to address unmet needs to this day. Seminole HEART has coordinated or completed 500+ unmet needs projects since the 2022 Hurricane Season. Unmet needs include debris removal, home repair, mold remediation, sandbag/food/water distribution, tarp requests / installs, interior/exterior home clean-up.


Meetings are welcome to all Seminole HEART participating organizations and agencies. The Board of Directors meet quarterly at the Seminole County Emergency Operations Center (150 Eslinger way, Sanford). Seminole HEART hosts community workshops for the public to bring together non-profit, faith-based and local government organizations in preparation for all types of disasters.

Board Meeting: The Seminole HEART Board of Directors will meet in the Emergency Operations Center at 10:00 a.m. on the following dates in 2025:

  • Thursday, March 13, 2025
  • Thursday, June 12, 2025
  • Thursday, September 11, 2025
  • Thursday, November 13, 2025

For meeting details, please call Seminole County Emergency Management at 407-665-5102 or visit Eventbrite.

Seminole HEART • Seminole County's Interfaith Nonprofit Coalition • 501c3
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