What Does the Law Require?
Licenses & Registration
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Please note: Registering a business in Florida may require an entity to register not only with the State but also with the local county and city governments. Corporate entities are usually required to register with the Florida Division of Corporations, while many professions are required to register with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Occupational licenses can be obtained from the county and city where you are doing business.
For those professions/businesses not covered by the DBPR, see the following: Child care facilities are licensed through the Florida Department of Children and Families. Agricultural services, auto repair shops, movers, health studios, travel agencies and others are regulated through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Employer Identification Number Apply here for your Federal Tax ID Number.
Federal & State Taxes An overview from Florida Trend Magazine.
Florida Department of Revenue The DOR is responsible for collecting business taxes in Florida. A DOR Tax Payer Service Center is located in Maitland.
IRS Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center Information, forms, publications, and more.
MyFlorida.com Tax Information Sales tax, corporate income tax, online forms, and more.
Small Business Administration Florida tax obligations.
Tangible Personal Property Taxes Paid yearly on furniture, equipment, etc. that is used in a business.
Affordable Care Act Find out what it means for your small business. Small Business Administration.
E-Verify Use this Federal database to determine the eligibility of your employees to work in the U.S.
Employee Safety Check out OSHA regulations for creating a safe work environment. Occupational Safety & Health Administration.
Florida Small Business Owners' Insurance Guide Information on workers' comp, liability, property, health, auto, etc.
Guide to the Affordable Care Act From the Florida Division of Consumer Services.
Health Insurance Marketplace Shop for health insurance for your employees through the Federal Government's official consumer site. In addition, see Florida's Health Insurance Marketplace.
Insurance Find out about the different types of insurance available to small business owners.
Labor Law If you plan to hire employees, you will need to be familiar with Federal and State labor laws.
Workers' Compensation As an employer, find out what you need to comply with State regulations.