Park Rules
Traffic in Parks
- All motor vehicles shall be parked only in established and indicated parking areas or in such other areas and at such times as may be designated by the division.
- Parking at any established parking areas shall be done in accordance with the markings thereon.
- No person shall make nonemergency repairs, perform routine maintenance or wash any private or commercial vehicle in any county park or recreation areas.
- No vehicle marked "For Sale" may be parked in any parking area of any county park or recreation area.
- Parking a vehicle overnight, except at campsites as authorized is prohibited
- Bicycles and skateboards may be ridden on any designated roads or bicycle paths. When riding on vehicular roads, all persons must observe safety rules and regulations as constituted by state law. Bicyclists shall, when riding or parking their bikes, respect the safety and security of other park users.
Park Entrance
- No person or persons shall enter any county park via land or water except through the designated park entrances, dock or area provided.
Park Property
Building and other property
- No person shall willfully mark, deface, injure in any way, displace, remove or tamper with any park buildings, bridges, tables, benches, grills, railings, paving or paving material, waterlines or public utilities or part or appurtenances thereof, park signs, notices or placards, whether temporary or permanent, monuments, stakes, posts or other boundary markers, structures, equipment, facilities, park property or appurtenance whatsoever, whether real or personal.
Tree shrubbery, lawns, etc.
- Tree shrubbery lawns, etc., are real property assets of the park; and no person shall cut, carve, injure the bark, break off limbs, branches or mutilate in any way, or pick the flowers or seeds, or any tree or plant; nor shall any person dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area; nor shall any person pile debris or material of any kind on or about any tree or plant, pr attach any rope, wire or other contrivance thereto, whether temporary or permanent in character or use, except that scientists or students of botany may procure from the manager or designee special permission to collect plant specimens.
Wild animals, birds, etc.
- No person shall molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, hunt, chase, capture, shoot, or throw missiles at any mammal, bird, reptile, butterfly, moth, spider or amphibian; nor shall any person remove or possess the young of any wild animal or the eggs, nests or young of any reptile or bird. Fishing is permitted in designated areas and only under the provisions, regulations and rules of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources.
Recreation Activities and Facilities
Bathing and Swimming
- No person, regardless of age or manner of dress, shall swim, bathe or wade in any waters or waterways within park boundaries, except in such waters and at such places and times as are provided therefore.
- No person shall bring into or operate any boat, yacht, cruiser or other gas motor powered watercraft upon any park watercourse, bay, lagoon, lake, canal, pond or slough except at such places as are or may be designated for such use or purpose.
- No motorized watercraft shall be launched into or removed from any park waters except at such places as are designated for such use or purpose. (Example: boat ramps).
- No boat operating for hire, or carrying passengers for money, may receive such passengers at any dock, wharf or landing place or anchorage in the park jurisdiction.
Picnic areas and use
- No picnicking shall be done in any park area except such as may be set apart and designated for that purpose. The Parks and Recreation Manager and division staff will regulate activities in such areas when so required to safeguard park property and to secure the maximum use for the comfort and convenience of all. Visitors shall comply with the directions given to achieve this end.
- Use of the individual grills together with tables and benches, follows generally the rule of "first come, first served," except in areas where reservations may be taken and a fee is charged as established by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.
- To reduce fire hazard, each picnic party shall see that its fire is completely extinguished before leaving. Open fires are not permitted except in designated areas.
- Picnic shelters may be reserved in advance by applying for a reservation and paying a reservation fee as established by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. If not reserved, shelters are available on "first come, first served" basis.
- No person shall operate any portable equipment such as moonwalks, cookers, etc., except by authorization of the Parks & Recreation Manager.
- Reservation fee payments shall be made in advance. Refunds for reservation fees may be made only in case of bona fide emergencies. Determination of what constitutes an emergency shall be made by the Parks & Recreation Manager or designee.
- General. No persons shall set up tents, shacks, or other temporary shelter or bring any recreational vehicle or boat for the purpose of overnight camping without a camping permit and paying a camping fee as established by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Camping shall be permitted at designated sites only.
- No camping permit shall be issued to any person less than eighteen years of age. The Parks & Recreation Manager or designee may refuse to issue a permit to any person who cannot prove the age requirement to the satisfaction of the Parks & Recreation Manager.
- Campers shall register with the appropriate park staff on duty on a form supplied by the division.
- Campers' stay is limited to seven (7) consecutive days at any one park.
- Campers shall check out no later than 1:00 p.m. unless prior arrangements are made with the division staff. In no event shall the check-out time be extended beyond 3:00 p.m. unless space is available and an additional fee is paid.
- Camping fee payments shall be made on site or at the Parks & Recreation Administrative Office. Refunds for campsite fees may only be made in case of bona fide emergencies. Determination of what constitutes an emergency shall be made by the Parks & Recreation Manager or designee.
- Reservations can be made in accordance with policies and procedures as established by the division.
- Campers must have camping equipment, consisting of a tent, van, or covered pickup. Sleeping in automobiles or in the open is prohibited.
- Only one (1) camping unit shall be allowed at each site, which consists of one family unit.
- Quiet hours shall be observed between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
- Visitors of registered campers will observe regular park user hours. However, visitors desiring to remain after park closing may register with the appropriate park staff on duty and remain in the park but in no event later than 10:00 p.m.
- Children under eighteen (18) years of age shall be the responsibility of the registrant and shall be supervised at all times by an adult.
Horseback Riding
- Horseback riding is forbidden in the parks except in such parks and park areas where provision is made for this activity. Horses are restricted to bridle paths, road rights-of-way, and designated horse trails only unless otherwise posted or authorized by the Parks & Recreation Manager. Horses shall not go unattended.
Athletic Facilities
- Athletic fields and courts for games and practices may be scheduled in advance by reservation with the appropriate park staff on duty.
- User fees for athletic facilities are established by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Such fees are payable in advance of use of the facility. Refunds for fees may only be made in case of bona fide emergencies. Determination of what constitutes an emergency shall be made by the Parks & Recreation Manager or designee.
- Ball fields and courts may be closed during and after inclement weather in accordance with consideration for public safety and field maintenance, at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Manager or appropriate park staff on duty.
- No person shall drive, putt, or otherwise hit a golf ball, shoot an arrow, or fly kites except in those areas specifically designated for those purposes.
- No person shall take still or motion pictures for commercial purposes involving the use of special settings or structures, or the performance of a cast or persons, either amateur or professional, without first obtaining permission from the Current Planning Division, with approval from the Parks & Recreation Manager.
Payments, Reservations, Permits
- All payments, reservations, permits, etc., must be made or secured in advance of use.
Compliance with Rules
- Nothing contained herein shall operate to exempt the users of any and all parks and areas contained within from full compliance with all rules of the division relating to the use of, and conduct on, county property.
Intoxicating Beverages.
- Drinking within or bringing alcoholic liquors into any park is prohibited, except by authorization of the County Manager for special events and activities.
Weapons, Fireworks, Explosives
- Discharge of any instrument that fires a potentially dangerous projectile, gas, or liquid is prohibited except in designated areas.
- Possessing, exploding, discharging or burning within, or bringing into any park area any fireworks or other potentially dangerous flammable material is prohibited except as authorized by the County Manager for special events. In an emergency the discharge of distress signals is permitted.
Public Nuisance and Disorderly Conduct
- Whoever commits such acts that are of a nature to corrupt the public morals, outrage the sense of public decency or affect the peace and quiet of persons who may witness same, or engages in brawling or fighting, or engages in abusive or indecent language, or engages in such conduct to constitute a hazard to the health, safety or welfare of other park visitors, or violates the rules and/or regulations of any park area, shall upon due notice of violation be classified as a trespasser, and ordered to leave the park.
- Whoever engages in any activity which creates a disturbance or nuisance in a county park, including but not limited to using a loudspeaker or other amplified equipment without authorization of the Parks & Recreation Manger shall be upon due notice of violation be classified as a trespasser, and ordered to leave the park.
Impersonating Employees
- No person shall impersonate any member or employee of the division for any reason whatsoever.
Feeding of Wildlife
- The feeding of wildlife in any park areas is prohibited.
Domestic Pets
- No domestic animal shall be permitted in a park except in designated areas.
- Cross Seminole Trail allows domestic animals if they are leashed and/or under control at all times.
- The Parks & Recreation Manager has the authority to prohibit animals from any park area.
Merchandising, Advertising and Signs
Vending and Peddling
- No person shall expose or offer for sale any article or thing, nor shall any person station or place any stand, cart or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such article or merchandise within the limits of any park. Exception is made as to any regularly licensed concessionaire acting by and under the authority of the division and providing foods, goods, or services for the benefit of the public.
Advertising and Publicity
- All advertising and publicity posted or announced in or on any park property must be approved by the Parks & Recreation Manager.
Trail Rules
The following rules apply to all Seminole County Trails:
- Be courteous: all trail users, including bicyclists, joggers, walkers, wheelchairs, skateboarders, and skaters should be respectful of other users, regardless of their mode of travel, speed or level of skill.
- Keep right: always stay to the right as you use the trail.
- Pass on the left: pass other trail users going in your direction on their left. Look ahead and behind to make sure that your lane is clear before you pull out and around the other user. Pass with ample separation distance. Do not move back to the right until you have safely gained distance and speed away from the other user. Faster traffic should always yield to slower and on-coming traffic.
- Give audible signals when passing: all users should give a clear warning signal before passing. A voice, bell, or soft horn may produce this signal. Voice signals may include "passing on your left" or "skater to your left." Always be courteous when providing the audible signal.
- Be predictable: travel in a consistent and predictable manner. Always look behind you before changing positions on the trail, regardless of your mode of travel.
- Control your bicycle: inattention, for even a second, can cause disaster. Stay alert and maintain a safe and legal speed at all times. Youth helmet laws are in effect, as well as other "rules of the road" as indicated by State statute.
- Do not block the trail: when in a group, including your pets, use no more than half the trail, so as not to block the flow of other users. If approached by users from both directions, form a single line or stop and move to the far right edge of the trail to allow safe passage by these users.
- Yield when entering or crossing trails: yield to traffic already using the trail, when entering or crossing the trail at uncontrolled intersections.
- Do not use this trail while under the influence of alcohol or drugs: it is illegal to use this trail if you are under the influence of alcohol in excess of the statutory limits, or if you have consumed illegal drugs. Persons who use a prescribed medication should check with their doctor or pharmacist to ensure that it will not impair their ability to safely operate a bicycle or other wheeled vehicle.
- Clean up your litter: as a public facility, this trail shall be kept clean for the enjoyment of all users. Trash and recycling receptacles are provided at intervals along the trail. Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. Littering on the trail is subject to a citation.
- Keep pets on leashes: all pets must be kept on secure and tethered leashes; pet owners are responsible for their animal's behavior and clean up.
- Motorized vehicles are prohibited and use of such vehicles on the trail is subject to a citation: excluded from this rule are electric wheelchairs, golf carts operated by trails staff, and public maintenance and safety vehicles.
- Equestrian trail use shall be based on the following:
- Trailer parking and hitching posts shall be provided in designated areas of proposed County trail heads;
- Equestrian owners are responsible for their animal's safe control at all times;
- Equestrian users must remain on the provided unpaved equestrian or designated path;
- Riders should pass other trail users with verbal warning and extreme caution;
- Riders must dismount upon approach to multi-user bridge structures and walk the animal across.