The County’s Planning and Zoning Commission / Local Planning Agency (P&Z / LPA) consists of volunteer, unpaid members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to advise and make recommendations to the BCC on planning and land development matters. The P&Z Board's recommendation is included in the staff report when the project is heard at the BCC meeting. The BCC makes the final determination after considering the following: recommendations of the P&Z, presentation by the applicant, public input, and staff findings.
Public Hearing Items: Public hearing items heard by the P&Z include, but are not limited to, rezones, major amendments, large and small scale future land use amendments.
Non Public Hearing Items: Preliminary Site Plan approval (PSP) projects are heard by the P&Z; however, they are not public hearings and are not subject to the public hearing requirements of Florida Statutes and LDCSC.