Street Lighting Customer Service Options

Decorative Fixtures And Poles

Street Light

Decorative Fixtures and Poles

A variety of decorative streetlights and poles are offered by the electric utility companies as options to Seminole County Street Lighting MSBUs. Decorative options include traditional and non-traditional equipment. Depending on the style selected, typical operating costs for one decorative light and decorative pole can range from $18.00 per month to $48.00 per month (costs are approximate and are subject to change by power company).

Available decorative lighting options available may be viewed online for both Duke Energy and Florida Power & Light (FPL) customers.

Street Light

Rates and Cost Analysis

Additional information regarding the decorative selection and pricing is available from the MSBU Program. MSBU representatives are also available to provide cost analysis and coordination services for specific geographic or residential areas.

For further details, please contact us at 407-665-7178 or by email.