Active/Established MSBUs

Construction - Wekiva Green-churchill Road Improvement

Current Status:  The Churchill Drive MSBU project is complete and an assessment in the amount of $9,403.00 per benefiting property has been levied and recorded in County land records.  Property owners may pay the assessment in full at any time. Until paid in full, the assessment will be financed and collected through 18 annual installments via the property tax bill beginning with the 2017 tax year and ending with tax year 2034. A Satisfaction of Lien document will be prepared by the MSBU Program and issued once the assessment is paid in full. Should a payoff amount be required, please contact the MSBU Program.

Background History: A community-based application requesting creation of the MSBU was received in 2013 and demonstrated a community-wide support of 89%.  The requested MSBU was created in 2014 by the Board of County Commissioners [BCC] following a public hearing, and equitable assessment liens (based on project cost estimates) were filed against all benefited property. The preliminary assessment amounts (based on preliminary estimated project cost) were established as $7,180.00 per property.  The Design Phase was initiated on March 26, 2014.  The project was posted for public bid in June 2015. The outcome of the bid process yielded a single response. The bid price exceeded the engineering cost projection and was far beyond the cost anticipated during the Petitioning Phase.  On behalf of the community, the Public Works Engineering Divisions revisited the project scope in effort to define a more budget-tight scope while continuing to meet County standards for public roadways. A revised scope was posted for public bid in November 2015. On December 9, 2015, Seminole County received five construction bids from companies interested in providing the construction services needed to on behalf of the Wekiva Greens – Churchill Drive roadway improvement project.  As observed in the resulting bid prices, there is a broad range in the price tags for which private companies are willing to take on construction of the roadway Flexibility regarding project cost is now tied to the results of the public bidding process and any unforeseen conditions. A Petition to Continue was distributed to property owners to ensure the owners of at least 65% of the properties remained supportive of continuing with the assessment-funded project given the estimated increase in total project cost. By mid-January 2016, the Petition to Continue demonstrated an 81% support rate amongst property owners. A Public Hearing was held February 23, 2016, whereby the Board of County Commissioners authorized continuation of the road improvements given the revised cost projection and the confirmation of continued community support per the revised assessment estimate.  Demolition and construction began in April 2016, under contract with Atlantic Civil, and reached substantial completion on June 3, 2016. Project and engineering management was provided by Keith and Schnars, P.A. Primary construction activities were completed by the end of September 2016. On January 24, 2017, the BCC approved the final assessment based on actual project cost; $9,403.00 per benefiting parcel. Property owners may pay the assessment in full at any time. For owners participating in the installment plan, the repayment period is 18 years based on annual installments in the amount of $706.61. The installments are billed and collected via the property tax bill.