Articles Research and More

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Premium Databases   
Trusted Internet Resources
Magazine & Newspaper Articles

Browse by Category:
Health & Medicine | Kids | Magazines & Newspapers  *Available from home with your library card.                                                                                                      


EBSCO Host *
Digital versions of over 27,400 books. 

Gale Books and Authors*
A reader’s go-to site for everything: book suggestions from experts, titles, biographies and more.

Digital collection of eBooks and audiobooks.

Digital Collection of audiobooks as well as music and video

 Business & Finance

America’s News Find A Topic - Business
Find information on business issues, global economy, job market, and financial literacy.

Demographics Now*
Robust and highly-detailed demographic data, ideal for gaining consumer and market insight.

Florida Electronic Library
Online resources for small business owners.

Full-text magazine articles, newspaper articles and e-Books. 

Research stocks and mutual funds.  

Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)*   
Directory of U.S. business and households.

U.S. and Canadian manufacturers and their products.

Weiss Financial Ratings*   
Independent reviews for banks, credit unions, insurance, medigap, mutual funds, exchanged traded funds, stocks. Includes consumer guides and financial literacy tools.


America’s News Find A Topic – All Categories
Find information related to education, the environment, international issues, careers, social issues, STEM, sports and more. 

Adult Core Skills*
Resources to help adults improve basic skills in reading, writing, math, and prepare for the U.S. citizenship exam.

Career Preparation Center*
Are you preparing for a professional exam? Are you curious about a particular occupation or looking to improve your workplace skills? Choose the Career Preparation Center.

Chilton Library*
Get the detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. 

College Admissions Test Preparation*
Getting into college is an important step to building a strong future. First, you must do well on your college admission tests and write a personal essay that highlights your special talents. Use this center to get the resources you need to achieve your college preparation goals.

College Center*
The College Center provides valuable resources that help college students strengthen their academic skills, prepare for placement tests, and get ready for graduate school entrance exams.

Education database. Articles, research reports, conference papers and more.

Florida Electronic Library
Resources for elementary, middle school and high school students as well as popular topics for all ages. 

High School Equivalency Center*
If you are preparing for the GED® test, HiSET® or TASC exams, the High School Equivalency Center's practice tests, interactive tutorials, and e-books will help you reach your goal. 

Learning Express 3.0*
Online practice exams on a variety of subjects.

LinkedIn Learning (formerly*
Library of video tutorials that helps anyone learn software, technology, creative and business skills. 

To access enter your library card number and library PIN number (usually the last four digits of your phone #) 

On Mobile devices download LinkedIn Learning app iOS | Android  Log in on the app, tap sign in, type scpls (all  lowercase letters) in the email field, tap continue. Enter your library card number and PIN, tap continue.

Learn a language! Mango lessons combine everyday conversation skills, memory building strategies and interactivity.

Peterson's Career Prep
Learn about careers, receive personalized recommendations, create resumes, search for jobs and schools, and get career advice.

Salem Press*
Online access to Salem's  Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Current Topics: Current Events Through a Historical Lens.

School Center Grades 4-8*
The School Center helps students in elementary and middle school prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skill in important subjects

School Center -  High School*
The School Center helps students in elementary and middle school prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skill in important subjects

Transparent Language*
Language learners can build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what they have learned with transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages. 


America's Genealogy Bank
Newspaper archive for family history research.

HeritageHub (New!)
Comprehensive collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for genealogical research,1704 to today. Library Edition (available in library only)
Popular database for genealogical research.

Central Florida Memory
Over 80,000 images of historic materials from Central Florida’s past, including diaries, letters, maps and postcards.

LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) genealogy databases.

Florida Memory
Thousands of historic photographs, videos, documents, audio recordings and more from Florida’s history.

Census data, family records and local histories.

Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)*
Directory of U.S. households and businesses.

 Health & Medicine

America’s News Find A Topic - Health
Find information related to diseases and conditions, fitness and wellness, elder care, mental health and nutrition.

Health and Wellness Resource Center*
Full-text magazine articles, newspaper articles and e-Books.

Popular health site from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. 

Millions of citations for biomedical literature. Covers the 1950's-present.


Interactive stories, books, puzzles and games.

TeenBook Cloud
Read YA/Teen novels, classics, short stories, poetry and graphic novels.  Listen to audio books and on your computer or iPad. 

 Magazines & Newspapers

Asian Life in America* (New!)
The experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the news media.

Black Life in America* (New!)
The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.

Consumer Reports* (New!)
Ratings, reviews, recommendations, and buying advice for thousands of products including cars, appliances, electronics and more. Find in-depth money-saving advice, tips and trends.

Articles, books and papers.

Digital access to your favorite magazines.

Florida Electronic Library
A user-friendly resource for all ages.  Popular topics.

Hispanic Life in America* (New!)
The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media.

Full-text magazine articles, newspaper articles and e-Books.

New York Times Digital
New York Times Digital is available to patrons of the Seminole County Library, This service includes unlimited article access on library computers, as well as for remote access on your home computer or mobile device.

Full-text articles are available from the Orlando Sentinel (1985 - ) and from newspapers across the United States and the World.

Washington Post Digital (New!)
Washington Post Digital is now available to patrons of the Seminole County Library, This service includes unlimited article access on library computers, as well as for remote access on your home computer or mobile device.