Seminole Forever

Seminole Forever

The Seminole Forever Land Acquisition Program aims to protect and conserve lands by identifying and acquiring properties that conserve green space, provide passive recreational opportunities, and protect water resources and natural habitats. The initiative is funded by the County’s General Fund and may include partnerships with local cities and nonprofits or other alternative funding sources. Seminole Forever does not require an additional tax on residents.

Wekiva River in Seminole County, FL
Wekiva River in Seminole County, FL

Through the Seminole Forever program, the County commits to purchasing lands to protect natural communities, including wetlands and forestlands, and providing green space in both rural and urban areas. These lands may offer passive recreation amenities such as pavilions, restrooms, and playgrounds.

Seminole Forever is similar to the State’s Florida Forever land acquisition program.

Application Process

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    • The Seminole Forever program will accept land nomination applications during the open application period, from Dec 2 to Jan 31.
    • Applications received after the posted deadline will be considered in the following property evaluation cycle and process period.
    • Upload and Submit Application.
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    Public Meeting

    • At a pre-scheduled public meeting, the ARC will review the applications using their Evaluating Parcels for Acquisition criteria.
    • Landowners will be invited to speak on behalf of their property submittal. This may include providing a presentation using visual aids (PowerPoint, large photos, etc.) or simply educating the ARC on the value of adding their property to the program.
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    • A final list of application packages will be provided to the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners for their approval at a future date.
    • The BCC will direct staff on which eligible properties to pursue for acquisition.


Questions About Seminole Forever?

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