Fee Information

Fee Summary


Fees based on Fee Schedule, adopted by the BCC on July 23, 2019 (Resolution 2019-R-126)

*Increase to the Sidewalk Fund Fees within the Fee Schedule, adopted by the BCC on October 26, 2021 (Resolution 2021-R-149)


Application / Item
Associated Fee $
Miscellaneous Administrative Fees
Copy of Land Development Code
Price per MuniCode
Zoning Confirmation Letter certifying zoning / FLU for a Community Residential Home or ALF
Zoning Confirmation Letter certifying zoning / FLU for a single permitted use
Zoning Confirmation Letter requiring extended research
Special Notification Letter of Pending Zoning Issues
Motion Picture & Photography Permit
Special Events Permit not requiring BCC Approval
Special Events Permit requiring BCC Approval
Pre-Application 50.00
Board of Adjustment Application Fees
300.00 + 75.00 each additional variance
"After-the-Fact" Variance
Double Variance Fee + Double the fee for each additional variance
Special Exception
Special Exception to Permit Mobile Home
Limited Use Mobile Home or RV
Appeal to BCC from BOA Decision
Appeal to BOA from Administrative Decision
Planning & Zoning Commission Application Fees
Note: All per acre fees are calculated by rounding up to the nearest full acre
REZONING (Excluding PD)
All Other Classifications
2,500.00 + 75.00 / Acre up to 6,500.00
Concurrent Rezoning & FLU Amendment or DRI
50% Normal Rezoning Fee
Rezoning & Master Development Plan
4,000 + 75.00 / Acre up to 10,000.00
Final Development Plan
Final Development Plan as Engineered Site Plan (allows two resubmittals) Subject to Site Plan resubmittal fees (50% or 25% of Application Fee)
2,500 + 25.00 / per 1,000 sq.ft. of impervious up to 8,500.00
Final Master Plan Filing Extension
Major Amendment (acreage is calculated for the affected area)
Same as Rezoning Fee
Minor Amendment
Concurrent PD Rezoning & FLU Amendment 
50% Normal Rezoning Fee
Land Use Amendment Fees
Note: All per acre fees are calculated by rounding up to the nearest full acre
Large Scale Land Use Amendment LUA (greater than 10 Acres)
400.00 / Acre up to 10,000.00
Small Scale Land Use Amendment LUA (10 Acres or fewer)
Text Amendment in association with LUA
Determination of Substantial Deviation or other change to DRI
Arbor Fees
Note: All per acre fees are calculated by rounding up to the nearest full acre
Remove, Relocate or Replace Trees
75.00 / Acre or fraction thereof up to 500.00
Process Sworn Statement of Intent Relating to Exceptions for Bona Fide Agricultural Lands
Site Plan Fees
Site Plan Review, includes arbor permit (allows two resubmittals)
2,500 + 25.00 / per 1,000 sq.ft. of impervious up to 9,000.00
Fill Permit (required for any fill over 100 cubic yards) 500.00 (use Site Plan Application)
Dredge and Fill Permit  750.00 (use Site Plan Application)
Resubmittal fee: Major - resubmittal requires review by three (3) or more DRC members
50% of original Site Plan Application Fee
Resubmittal fee: Minor - resubmittal requires review by two (2) or fewer DRC members
25% of original Site Plan Application Fee
Small Site Plan Review: less than 2,500 sq.ft. of impervious surface under review
Expedited Site Plan Review (excluding affordable housing projects) 5 business days (after 2 PM is next day)
50% of Site Plan Application Fee
Expedited Resubmittal
50% of Resubmittal Fee
Construction Revision fee: Major - requires review by more than two (2) DRC members
Construction Revision fee: Minor - requires review by two (2) or fewer DRC members
Subdivision Review Fees
Development Subdivision Plan (allows two resubmittals)
250 + 5.00 / per lot up
Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) (allows two resubmittals)
1,500 + 15.00 / per lot up to 3,500.00
Final Engineering Plan, includes Arbor Permit (allows two resubmittals)
4,000 + 25.00 / per lot up to 6,500.00
Final Plat (allows two resubmittals)
Minor Plat (Minor plat pre-review required, application fee of $110 applied toward Minor Plat application fee)
1,500 + 75.00 / per lot
Lot Split
Resubmittal fee: Major — resubmittal requires review by three (3) or more DRC members
50% of original Sub Application Fee
Resubmittal fee: Minor — resubmittal requires review by two (2) or fewer DRC members
25% of original Sub Application Fee
Expedited Subdivision Review (excl affordable housing and Minor or Final Plats) 5 business days (after 2 PM is next day)
50% of Subdivision Application Fee
Expedited Resubmittal
50% of Resubmittal Fee
Construction Revision fee: Major — requires review by more than two (2) DRC members
Construction Revision fee: Minor — requires review by two (2) or fewer DRC members
Adult Entertainment Inspection Fees
Adult Bookstore / Video Store
Adult Theater
Adult Performance Establishments
Adult Motel
Commercial Bodily Contact Establishment
Escort Service