Engineering Division

Orange Boulevard Safety Improvements Design Project - Phase 2

From State Road (S.R.) 46 to Monroe Road

CIP No.01785303

Orange Boulevard Safety Improvements Design Project – from State Road (S.R.) 46 to Monroe Road (C.R. 15), Seminole County, Florida  - Project CIP 01785303

Seminole County is currently designing and then constructing safety improvements for Orange Boulevard from State Road (S.R.) 46 to Monroe Road (C.R. 15). The goal of the project is to promote safety, address drainage deficiencies, enhance pedestrian and bicycle continuity, and improve access throughout the project corridor.

Previously as a part of this project’s Phase 1 alternatives analysis, a public meeting was held on January 24, 2019, to present alternatives to achieve the safety and mobility goals. Alternative 1 consisted of building a two-lane divided urban roadway with a raised concrete median including the addition of left turn lanes, bicycle lanes, curb and gutter, 5-foot-wide sidewalk, and a 10-foot-wide shared-use path. Alternative 2 consisted of a three-lane undivided urban section with a two-way left turn lane, along with bicycle lanes, curb and gutter, 5-foot-wide sidewalk, and a 10-foot-wide shared-use path. Public comments were received and taken into consideration in the refinement of the design.

The Seminole County Board of County Commissioners then reviewed the alternatives and at the Board Workshop on March 12, 2019, directed County staff to proceed with a hybrid alternative to address access and other resident concerns and input. This hybrid alternative consisted of a combination of Alternative 1 from SR 46 to North Oregon Street, and Alternative 2 from North Oregon Street to Monroe Road. Comments from the Board as well as those received from the public during the course of the project have been taken into consideration in the proposed improvements. Acquisition of right-of-way will be required to complete the project.

Final plans have been presented to the Seminole County Right of Way Acquisition Team as of May 2021, and the final Right of Way is being acquired. The estimated completion of the Right of Way Acquisition is anticipated in August of 2023. The plans will then be updated to show the final Right of Way location, any updates to accommodate property owners, and will be updated to new standards during the Summer/Fall of 2023. It is anticipated that construction will move forward in Spring/Summer 2024.

Project Location Map

project map

Proposed Typical Sections

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Project Presentation