Community Outreach


Seminole County is a PulsePoint Connected Community.  Take Action. Download the App

PulsePoint Respond App alerts CPR-trained individuals to someone nearby having a sudden cardiac arrest that may require CPR.  Nearby citizens can choose to assist until the arrival of the local fire department.  The purpose of this app is to increase the survival rates of a cardiac arrest victim.

The app is activated by the local public safety communications center simultaneous with the dispatch of emergency responders.  Seminole County Fire Department is the lead agency.  All fire departments in the county are PulsePoint Connected through Seminole County Fire Department’s Emergency Communications Center (dispatch).  

PulsePoint AED

PulsePoint AED is an application that directs users to the closest publicly-accessible AED.  The app enables users to upload the location of the AED, which is then verified and becomes available to all PulsePoint Respond users during an emergency.

AEDs are user friendly and provide verbal instructions to the user.  Administering CPR, with the use of an AED, when someone is in cardiac arrest increases a sudden cardiac arrest patient’s chance of survival.

For more information, please visit

PulsePoint Respond from PulsePoint Foundation on Vimeo.