Development Processes & Requirements

Special Permits


Dog friendly dining areas are allowed for licensed Public Food Service Establishment under Chapter 509, Florida Statutes and Seminole County Ordinance 2012.


A noise exemption permit is required when an individual person, neighborhood or a similar event (one not open to the public: example - a block party) wants to have a party that will feature amplified music or sound that may create a noise disturbance per Chapter 165 of the County Code. Submit application at least 10 days prior to event.


Sec. 30.1378 allows for Special Events and temporary uses of properties for outdoor sales of merchandise and special events. See link for church and school exemption

Special event: A use or activity offered to the general public which is not contemplated in the approved Site Plan or other development approval, and which is generally consistent with the applicable zoning district. Special events shall include gatherings or events, or series of related consecutive daily gatherings or events, including but not limited to, those of an entertainment, cultural, recreational, educational, commercial, social or sporting nature, which occur outdoors on a site.


Sec. 30.1378 allows for Special Events and temporary uses of properties for outdoor sales of merchandise and special events.

Outdoor sales of merchandise: The sale of any merchandise or commodities on a parcel of land occurring outside of a completely enclosed permanent building. This definition includes, but is not limited to, seasonal fruit and vegetable stands for produce not grown on-site as part of a bona fide agricultural use, sparkler stands, sidewalk sales, and roadside stands for the sale of products associated with recognized holidays. 


This regulation allows the installation of temporary storage facilities to facilitate delivery of parcels within residential zoning districts during a period of time commencing on November 30th and terminating on December 31st of each calendar year. This activity is temporary in nature and will not adversely impact the surrounding area and land uses, and will be terminated and removed immediately upon expiration of the temporary permit.


Sec. 30.1351 "Carport/garage/yard sales" may be held in any residential and agricultural districts. Such sales may not be conducted on the same parcel more often than twice each year and each sale shall not exceed three (3) days in duration. At the conclusion of such sales, all unsold items shall be removed or packed in such a manner as not to create an unsightly view as seen from the street or from adjoining properties. Any signs advertising such sales shall be removed from the premises immediately at the conclusion of the sale. No merchandise may be stored or displayed outside the carport of garage.