Economic Development

About Economic Development Office

Seminole County Economic Development is dedicated to supporting local business. The County’s Economic Strategy recognizes the importance of business retention. Through utilization of our in-house resources, the County’s Economic Development Department is uniquely positioned to help local businesses meet their economic objectives. Appreciating the importance of our local business community, Seminole County Economic Development serves as a clearinghouse of information on programs and incentives available to your business.  Examples of the services we provide are as follows:

  • Provide demographic data;
  • Advise on resources for growth;Image: Coin stacks and sprouts.
  • Serve as a liaison between business and local government;
  • Assist with access to a number of workforce training programs;
  • Serve as a resource to identify grant opportunities; and
  • Administration of the Jobs Growth Incentive Program which provides monetary incentives to qualified target businesses;     
  • Provide relocation information.
  • Purveyor of Seminole County Business Spotlight Series;
  • Conduct the Seminole County Business Retention and Expansion Assessment program in collaboration with cities and chambers;
  • Connect local businesses to increase local business relationships and efficiency of supply-chains.